There are three things happening in fashion right now that make me really happy. 1)Pattern Mixing 2)Large Scale Applique Style Prints 3)SEVENTIES GLAM. Below are my favorites for Spring 2011.
Pattern Mixing
Etro | |
Etro |
Erdem |
Erdem |
Erdem |
Chris Kane |
Beyonce workin the look |
Pattern Mixing done right = richness. I love this trend because it reminds me of the way I imagined magical worlds as a child. Layers and layers of discovery, interest and complexity everywhere you look. Obviously it has to be done right... Etro and Erdem are geniuses at working this idea in a classic, romantic way, while Chris Kane's approach reminds me of late-90s graffitti -- evolved away from the roundness and shattered. And Beyonce gets this sooooo right! Plus, I thought we could use some THIGHS in this post, since there are none to be found on the runway. You feel me?
Large Scale Applique-Style Prints
Erdem |
Erdem |
Louis Vuitton |
Erdem |
So, I'm not an expert on textile history, but I do a little bit about Edwardian fashion, and back in the day, the kinds of patterns you see above would have been either embroidered or cut and appliqued on. I don't know if that was due to trend or technology, but that's why when I see these designs I think of appliques. This is a signature look for Erdem, but others, like Louis Vuitton, are experimenting with it this season as well.
Pucci |
Etro |
Etro |
Gucci |
Marc Jacobs |
Marc Jacobs |
Louis Vuitton |
As mentioned in
previous posts, The Seventies, a decade which I just *barley* managed to be born in have long been an obsession of mine. I have never met a wooden platform, a low-cut flare jean or a high-waist wide-leg trouser I didn't like. Looking around lately it seems that in the real world stores are still with the pleated pants/strong shoulder 80s stuff, but with any luck, we'll see The Seventies in a Forever 21 near you come spring.
BONUS: The lead designs in the Gucci show BLEW MY MIND. These outfits are a master class in how to make a garment that is tailored and draped at the same time -- a feat only a master could manage, incidentally. Also, they're sexy and glamorous without being slutty and ostentatious. Also, the color palette makes me think of a Mediterranean beach town at 4:00 on a summer afternoon.
I've been encouraging big flower/little flower for years. Thanks for this!